Hanging Nerf guns on the wall is a great way to keep them organized and easily accessible. Whether you’re a serious Nerf enthusiast or just looking for a fun way to display your collection, wall-mounting your Nerf guns can add a touch of style to your gaming area. In this guide, we will discuss the materials needed and provide a step-by-step guide on how to hang your Nerf guns on the wall. We will also explore alternative hanging methods for those who prefer different options. Let’s get started!

Materials Needed

Wall-mounting brackets

Wall-mounting brackets are essential for securely hanging your Nerf guns on the wall. These brackets come in various designs and sizes, so make sure to choose ones that are sturdy enough to hold the weight of your guns.

Screws and anchors

Screws and anchors are necessary to secure the brackets to the wall. Choose screws and anchors that are appropriate for the type of wall you have, whether it’s drywall, wood, or concrete.


A level is essential to ensure that your Nerf guns are hung straight and aligned. This tool will help you achieve a professional-looking display.


A drill is necessary for creating holes in the wall to attach the brackets securely. Make sure to use the appropriate drill bit size for the screws and anchors you’re using.


A screwdriver is needed to screw the brackets onto the wall. Choose a screwdriver that matches the size and type of screws you’re using.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps to hang your Nerf guns on the wall:

  1. Decide on the layout: Determine the arrangement of your Nerf guns on the wall. You can create a symmetrical or asymmetrical pattern, depending on your preference.
  2. Locate studs or use anchors: Find the studs in your wall using a stud finder. If you can’t locate any studs in the area you want to hang your Nerf guns, use anchors to provide extra support.
  3. Measure and mark: Measure the distance between each bracket and use a pencil to mark the placement on the wall. Make sure the brackets are level with each other.
  4. Pre-drill holes: Use a drill with the appropriate drill bit size to pre-drill holes at the marked spots. This will make it easier to screw in the brackets.
  5. Attach brackets: Place the brackets over the pre-drilled holes and secure them to the wall using screws. Make sure the brackets are tight and level.
  6. Hang the Nerf guns: Insert the barrels or stocks of the Nerf guns into the brackets. Make sure they are securely held in place.
  7. Test stability: Gently shake the Nerf guns to ensure they are stable and secure on the wall.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to enhance your Nerf gun display:

  • Add LED strip lights: Install LED strip lights behind your Nerf gun display to create an eye-catching and dynamic effect.
  • Use graphics or decals: Customize the wall behind your Nerf guns with graphics or decals to enhance the overall aesthetic.
  • Create themed displays: Arrange your Nerf guns based on their color, theme, or type to add an extra level of visual appeal.
  • Add accessories: Incorporate accessories such as scopes, magazines, or dart holders alongside your Nerf guns for a more immersive display.

Alternative Hanging Methods

Using Hooks and Clips

If you prefer a simpler and less permanent solution, you can use hooks and clips to hang your Nerf guns. Attach adhesive hooks or clips to the wall and hang your guns by their barrels or stocks. This method allows for easy rearrangement and flexibility.

Adhesive Hooks and Strips

Adhesive hooks and strips are another alternative for hanging Nerf guns without drilling any holes. These hooks and strips provide a secure hold on smooth surfaces and can easily be removed without damaging the wall.

Pegboards and Wall Organizers

Pegboards and wall organizers are versatile storage solutions that can be used to hang and display Nerf guns. Install a pegboard on the wall and attach pegboard hooks or shelves to hold your guns. This method allows for easy customization and organization.

DIY Racks and Shelves

If you’re feeling creative, you can build your own racks or shelves to hang your Nerf guns. Use wooden planks, PVC pipes, or other materials to create a customized display that suits your style and needs.

Utilizing Magnetic Strips

Magnetic strips can be used to hang Nerf guns with metal components, such as blasters with metal barrels. Simply attach the magnetic strip to the wall and let the magnetism hold the guns in place.


Hanging Nerf guns on the wall is a fantastic way to showcase your collection and create an organized and visually appealing gaming area. By following the step-by-step guide and exploring alternative hanging methods, you can find the perfect solution for your needs. Whether you choose to use wall-mounting brackets or opt for hooks, clips, or other creative methods, your Nerf guns will be proudly displayed and readily accessible for your next Nerf battle!

Nadim is a passionate gamer, immersing himself in the world of Nerf Guns, Blasters, and various toys from day one. Renowned for his expertise in these toys, he advises parents on selecting the right Nerf guns based on their children's age. Additionally, he shares his insights through articles, shedding light on the fascinating realm of kids' toys.